Exercise Timer on iOS

Exercise Timer on iOS

Yes, you read the title correctly. Exercise Timer is finally available on your iPhone or iPad! You can finally share your Exercise Timer Workouts & Training Plans with your iOS friends.

This has been in the pipeline for quite a while. During the last few years we have been in contact with so many fitness enthusiasts. Through their feedback we shaped Exercise Timer into the customisable & feature rich Android App it is right now. Having Exercise Timer on a single Platform allowed us to move fast and quickly implement your feature suggestions. Finally, four months ago we decided that it’s due to bring the same Exercise Timer experience you love to iOS.

You can download the iOS version here:

As always, we love to hear your feedback! If you find any features that you want to see included, or something is not working as it should, please get in touch through the feedback link in the App.

Melvin Zammit

Founder at ExerciseTimer

12 Replies to “Exercise Timer on iOS”

  1. Hi, My son created a work out in Android system and I cannot open it in my IPhone. I tried sending the link but it doesn’t work.
    What is your suggestion?

  2. Hi Melvin, the app doesn’t show the excersizes on iOS. I mean I can see the names but I cannot see the person doing them. When are you going to fix it? Is there anything I do wrong that can adjust the problem? Thanks for the answer

  3. Hi Melvin, I’ve had some friends install Exercise Timer on their Apple iPhones (thanks!) but couldn’t find the import function under settings to enable sharing of existing training programs that I have created. Can you provide guidance on how to import ‘json’ files into this version of Exercise Timer? Best, Peter

    1. Hi Peter, I’m afraid iOS does not currently support import. You can however share workouts using the share function. Just tap share and send your friends links to the workouts.

  4. Bonjour. Votre application ne fonctionne pas sous iOS. Impossible de travailler en arrière plan. Donc l’application se coupe lorsque l’on change d’application. Or sous Android cela fonctionne très bien. Pourquoi cette différence ? Qu’offre la version premium par rapport a la version gratuite ? Merci de votre aide. Bonne journée

    1. Hi, If you are having any issues please feel free to get in touch with me via support email. Last week I fixed a couple of bugs that might have been causing this on iOS.

  5. Hi guys,

    Is there any possibility of lifetime payment with unlimited workout syncs on wearos? I love your app and would gladly pay for it, but it is really expensive for someone living in a third world country. I honestly understand the reason for having it as a subscription, but don’t lose anything by asking.


  6. Hi Melvin, I’m using an iPhone XR running IOS 15.3.1. I’m facing an issue with the app where the timer doesn’t ring if the app is running in the background or if the screen is locked. As a result, I’m unable to hear the ring for when the next set of exercise begins on my earbuds. Kindly look into the issue.

  7. Thank you for the great App. Is the synch feature between the apple watch and Iphone something you are planning
    to implement?

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