10 Misconceptions about CrossFit

10 Misconceptions about CrossFit

We heard everything about CrossFit, but how much of it is really true? Here are 10 misconceptions that will convince you to immediately sign up for your first CrossFit class.

1. Women become bulky

Women become bulky with crossfit

CrossFit does not promote bulky women. Some of them become more muscular but that is just because they are competing at a high level, such as the CrossFit Games. In that case, they do not attend one hour classes 5 times a week, they do specialized training twice a day and follow a specific diet to help increase muscle gain.

This does not apply to a woman training 5 times a week in class. The workouts are not designed to propel us at a professional level, but rather give us the tools to become leaner, more energetic, with a positive mindset!

2. CrossFit coaches are not qualified

Unqualified Fitness Trainers

Coaches are all qualified, no exceptions.

Some of them specialize in a discipline such as gymnastics or weightlifting, have experienced many injuries and all sorts of rehab, while others understand how to explain skills which transfers instantly onto their athletes, but all have the necessary background and knowledge to teach, demonstrate and correct CrossFit movements.

3. There is a lot of injuries in CrossFit

Injuries caused with crossfit

This occurs only when the protocols are not respected. For instance, a lot of new members have the desire to immediately snatch and do kipping pull-ups but most often their bodies are not ready for it.

There needs to be a strong muscular base to support explosivity, and therefore lots of muscle memory repetitions to be able to perform those movements.

4. Watch the Games, It’s too intense

Crossfit games are intense

The Games are different than the content of a class. The intensity, speed, and complexity of the series of movements are far more advanced as the Games are designed for professionals.

It would be impossible to ask a CrossFit member to perform a Games workout. In class, the weights and the progressions of motions are scalable to allow anyone to complete the workouts entirely.

5. It’s expensive

Crossfit is not expensive

During a CrossFit class, a coach is present to correct bad form and instruct how to perform every single movement of the day. This type of coaching is similar to a one on one session, except perhaps that we cannot spend the entire hour asking questions. The amount of skills we store 3 to 5 times a week depending on our routine is considerable. It would never happen in a regular gym setting unless we were taking PT lessons.

6. It’s a cult

Talk about crossfit

People who do CrossFit talk about the same things all the time: what their workouts were, how well or terrible they did, what they saw on Instagram etc.

That is correct! But that is also true for any passionate individual who cherishes his craft. The only difference being that a CrossFitter will welcome someone interested in CrossFit with open arms as long as they are willing to try it out!

7. All CrossFit gyms are the same


CrossFit is not a franchise; therefore, every gym is run independently while following the same rules. Some boxes emphasize the community by throwing get-togethers regularly, others prioritize a competitive spirit, therefore organize throw downs and encourage their members to participate. A CrossFit box usually reflects the personality and character of the head(s) coach(s).

8. You need to have a sport background to start CrossFit

This is false due to the fact that any workout is scalable, therefore achievable by anyone willing to try. The ‘On ramp’ or ‘fundamental’ classes are set to describe and teach the basic movements of CrossFit. After that, everyone is welcomed to join a class and train. There is absolutely no rite of passage to join a CrossFit gym.

9. To do well, you need to eat paleo

You do not have to eat paleo

Not remotely true. Like in any fitness industry, there are going to be trends. Gluten-free, juicing, pro-fat, low-carb, every diet has been tested, approved and refashioned to be marketed to entice avid fitness aficionados. Paleo was attributed to CrossFit in the beginnings, but everyone eats and follows their own rules. No need to eat Paleo if you do CrossFit!

10. Only people under 25 do CrossFit

Young Girl

The CrossFit Games have categories for 60 plus individuals who wish to compete. Need we say more?

Tamara Akcay

Tamara is a journalist based in London. She is a specialist in fitness, writing specifically on the topic of CrossFit.

4 Replies to “10 Misconceptions about CrossFit”

  1. CrossFit is a sport. It needs to be viewed through the same lens as soccer or football; a test of performance in a competitive environment at a high intensity. And just like any intense sport, injuries happen. It’s the nature of the game, an accepted risk. Can a regular Joe lose weight and get in a “workout” by doing CrossFit 5 times per week? Of course! It the same as asking if 5 soccer games per week would work.
    Where CrossFit goes wrong is when it claims to be a means of attaining health and fitness. It isn’t. It can’t. It’s a measure of fitness. And in the same way a soccer player trains with regular fitness to promote performance, so to should the prospective CrossFit-er. (If a soccer players were limited to training by just playing the game, with nothing else, they’d all be injured out very soon. And soccer would then have a bad reputation as a dangerous activity. Sound familiar?)

    To prove my point. Kipping is terrible. Forward movement of the hips in a pull upward is a compensation. A loss of desired force. Ideally, the LPHC and core would be strong enough to lock the hips in place, allowing for all energy to go to pulling the humorous down (your body up). But because it isn’t, the kenetic chain is broken and the shortening lat pulls the hips forward. In terms of health, this is a bad thing. It would leave your lower back totally destabilized and open to injury. One shouldn’t train to optimize lower back injury potential. However, in a competition to throw onesself over a bar, momentum helps. And in that unique situation, kipping is a cheat that they allow. But like any cheat, there’s a consequence.
    Lastly, is the picture used on item 8 encouraged in CrossFit? Or is it just a stock pic? The amount of risk to the rotator cuff in that image is tremendous. One, tiny, wrong move and he’s out of all arm movement s for 6 months! Please don’t ever do that movement!

    1. Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment. You made some good points 🙂 Pic in #8 is a Stock Pic. Perhaps it’s not a very good illustration of a ‘beginner workout’.

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